Interaction Design Portfolio
Project names click any project name for more information
Peripheral awareness is a powerful human capability. The AROMA project pioneered a technological support for it
What might happen when we bring mediaspace communication into the domestic environment?
Giving presentations can be daunting; having to "tame" a multimedia PC simultaneously does not help. The Palette presentation tool makes the access to digital content easy and obvious ...
Paper is great, but often we sacrifice its ease of use because we need a bit of computational power. The Paper Buttons give you both!
Calls.calm addresses the dilemma faced by many people: they want to be available, but they also need peace and quiet. Increased mobility adds to the problem. The solutions offered in Calls.calm took its point of departure in two basic observations about people and their practices: (1) Current technology is casting caller and callee as adversaries. That reduces the chance of a subtle and effortless connection. Various call screening and blocking mechanisms will quickly reduce the otherwise friendly caller to a raging brute. (2) People are normally very good at sensing the mood of the other party and coordinating accordingly, provided they get a certain minimum of information to work on.
Most navigation tools take over control and require you to rely exclusively on their guidance. Tactguide doesn't monopolize your senses and the operation of it blends in with the overall way-finding task
How best to put computational power and magic behind the wellknown whiteboard, without sacrificing its immediacy and ease of use.
The Liveboard prototyped the concept of interactive walls. New interaction paradigms were needed for work surfaces this large; they would have to support collaborative work and free form interaction
Between drawing and painting is the activity of scribbling. It is semi-structured but also fluid and facile. To support this activity we need to study the practices of scribbling and build computational support structures accordingly.
We notice a disquieting resemblance between the user of current computer technology and the unfortunate person trapped in the medieval pillory. We suggest this is symptomatic for a design tradition that looks at people as soft blobs augmenting our "magnificent machines," rather than recognizing and utilizing the amazing capability we humans have qua our embodied intellect and intelligence. Finding the proper place in a design space spanned by the two axes, (1) degree of attention and focus required, and (2) degree of intentionality in action
Using our hands comes so natural to us; how can we make the computer "understand" our gestures without having to strap ourselves to unlovely technology?